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Five Classes Of Drugs

  1. Different Classes Of Drugs Pharmacology

Five Classes Of Drugs best choice! 100% Secure and Anonymous. Low Prices, 24/7 online support, available with World Wide Delivery. Effective treatment for erectile dysfunction regardless of the cause or duration of the problem or the age of the patient Five Classes Of Drugs. Hallucinogens Deliriants Cannabis Interesting Fact Opium is one of the oldest drugs in recorded use, with the earliest evidence of Opium use being from 3,400 BC. Five Classes of Psychoactive Drugs Depressants are substances that decrease activity in various parts of the brain. May 8, 2014 - The Different Classes of Drugs. A roller coaster ride is exciting, while the news tends to be depressing. There are feel-good movies, and there. Drug Classifications. There are thousands of different drugs, both legal and illegal. Prison break torrent all seasons. Because of this variety, it is often necessary to classify drugs into several types for legal, medical, and treatment purposes.

Five classes of antiretroviral drugs

Drugs can be classified in many ways. For example, they can be classified according to: • uses (medicinal or recreational) • effect on the body (the specific effect on the central nervous system) • source of the substance (synthetic or plant) • legal status (legal/illegal) • risk status (dangerous/safe). One of the most common and useful ways of classifying a drug is by the effect that it has on a person's central nervous system. The brain is the major part of the central nervous system, and this is where psycho-active drugs have their main effect. The below sub-section summarises the major classifications of drugs including stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens. The group 'others' includes those psycho-active drugs that do not fit neatly in any other category.

Some drugs can be classified in a number of categories, e.g. Cannabis and ecstasy. Classifying drugs by their effect on CNS StimulantsTend to speed up the activity of a person's central nervous system (CNS) including the brain. These drugs often result in the user feeling more alert and more energetic.

Different Classes Of Drugs Pharmacology

Examples include: • Amphetamines • Cocaine • Pseudoephidrine (found in medications such as Sudafed, Codral Cold and Flu) • Nicotine • Caffeine Depressants (also known as relaxants)Tend to slow down the activity of the CNS, which often results in the user feeling less pain, more relaxed and sleepy. These symptoms may be noticeable when a drug is taken in large amounts.